A few of our products and services
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printing is not dead

Back in the early 80s, there was a saying that gained tremendous popularity in computing circles. Today, we would call it a meme. “Print is dead.” It was so popular that it was even used as a joke in Ghostbusters.
Back then, the concepts of the paperless office and electronic mail was just starting to pick up steam. Of course, we know now that it wouldn’t be until the mid-90s that email would really take off, and decades until the paperless office became a reality. So, here is the question: now that digital technology has reached the point where we literally have supercomputers in our pockets (by the standards of the 80s), is print finally dead?
Nope. Not by a long shot.
All you need to do is look around to see just how effective physical marketing can be.
There are countless posters for movies and concerts plastered on walls all over America. There are full-page, eye-catching ads in newspapers. Business cards are as popular as ever.
And if you want to see where the world of print and digital marketing collide, check out the prevalence of QR codes plastered everywhere.
Digital vs litho

For many companies printing costs make up a substantial amount of their total marketing spend. Whether printing business cards, brochures, flyers or posters, getting the right fit between quality, quantity, cost and lead time can be tricky. For the average Joe there are essentially two major solutions for printing on paper; Litho Printing and Digital printing.
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about us
Having been in business since 2012, we have been able to put together a group of expertise and resources in the field to be able to offer innovative and holistic solution to the business world. Since our inception we are always striving to sustain and grow our services and quality standards in the ever changing world of business.
We prіdе оurѕеlvеѕ in fаѕt turnаrоund of cuѕtоm mаdе printing prоjеctѕ. We hаvе а long hіѕtоrу оf servicing а wіdе range оf cuѕtоmеrѕ including Εxhіbіtіоn Соmpаnіеѕ, Corporates, Ѕіgnаgе Соmpаnіеѕ, SMEs, Ιndіvіduаlѕ аnd Exhibitors.
We prіdе оurѕеlvеѕ in fаѕt turnаrоund of cuѕtоm mаdе printing prоjеctѕ. We hаvе а long hіѕtоrу оf servicing а wіdе range оf cuѕtоmеrѕ including Εxhіbіtіоn Соmpаnіеѕ, Corporates, Ѕіgnаgе Соmpаnіеѕ, SMEs, Ιndіvіduаlѕ аnd Exhibitors.
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Some of our testimonials